When Is The Right Time To Have Sex? | Ask The Balding One

Xagon Speaks
2 min readOct 28, 2021


Good morning ladies and gents of the X-Army, hope you are all doing well. Welcome back to Ask The Balding One, a segment where I scrape through the internet for questions to give my opinion on. Some questions are good, some are interesting, and the rest are kinda out there. No question will be untouched. Let’s dive into today’s question.

Question |

When Is The Right Time To Have Sex?

Answer |

Good morning and thank you for the compelling question. First off I have to tell you I am religious and my answer will be mainly from that perspective, but I will try to think outside the box on this one. In my experience, I was in a very long-term relationship that only ended due to moving to different states. We met in High School and journeyed through college, we were universally the same faith and had the same goals. We waited until our early 20s and we were both our first. The goal behind that was we never had sex at the forefront of our mind when we courted each other. We got to a point mentally, spiritually, and together where we knew we were ready to incorporate that level of intimacy.

Now from the perspective of the current culture I would honestly say I don’t know. Teens and under are engaging and psychologically they are not ready for it. Sex is an individual thing and I can’t say when the right time is for an individual. In my situation I waited because I was with a person I saw waiting with worth it and believe me I was tempted at times. The woman I was with is the only person I slept with and we were together for a ton of years, so my sexual experience is not as verse as modern guys in the dating scene. Overall, I would advise you to look within yourself and see when is the right time for you to engage in that. I cannot tell a soul what to do because how things are the dating scene and the mindset is not how I operate, but if hooking up or long-term are things you seek then look within and see what is right for you. Thanks for the great question and please practice safe sex when you feel the time is right for you. God Bless!

Originally published at http://xagonspeaks.wordpress.com on October 28, 2021.

